Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Monsters of Poetry reading (Project Lodge, October 9th, 7:30 PM)

Nate Brown (MFA 2008, Halls Emerging Artist Fellow 2009) and Adam Fell (CW undergrad, Iowa Writers' Workshop MFA, pictured above demonstrating why he is a poet and not a poster-maker) are hosting the "Monsters of Poetry," which they describe as "a reading that will destroy you in a way that will make your progeny revere you as a leader of men." If that's not reason enough to attend, the all-star line up includes former UW MFAs, a former UW fellow, and former UW undergrad creative writing majors (all of whom went on to get MFAs at the Iowa Writers' Workshop).

Readers include Matt Hart, Daniel Khalastchi, Caryl Pagel, Ryan Walsh, Kevin Gonzalez, Lauren Shapiro, Thea Brown, and Adam Fell.

Project Lodge
817 E. Johnson, Madison, WI
730-930pm Friday October 9th.

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