Monday, September 20, 2010

Call for Papers from MFA Students and Grads

Dispatches from the Classroom: Graduate Student Essays on Creative Writing Pedagogy

Editors: Chris Drew, Joseph Rein and David Yost
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

We are currently seeking contributions for Dispatches from the Classroom, an anthology composed by current or recent graduate students, containing essays linking the theoretical foundations of creative writing pedagogy with practical classroom application. Accordingly, we seek papers from current or recent creative writing graduate students discussing pedagogical practices for poetry, creative nonfiction or drama. The essay may incorporate multiple genres, but the primary focus should be on one of these three. Pieces focusing on fiction will not be considered.

Ideal essays will briefly discuss an aspect of creative writing instruction (including relevant pedagogical theory), but will focus mainly on how this aspect translates to classroom practice, and will include personal experience and examples. Essays should follow MLA documentation format and may run from 5-15 pages, but preference will be given to shorter lengths. Supplementary materials including course documents, assignments, or class handouts are encouraged, but should not be submitted independently. Reprints are acceptable if the editors are notified. All submissions should include a cover note with an author bio and the title of the essay. Submissions must be sent to the editors by e-mail at by November 19, 2010

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