Thursday, November 5, 2009

Call for Submissions

From the editors of the Rio Grande Review:

Dear Writers,

We are now seeking submissions for our spring edition of Rio Grande Review. This issue is themed around OBSESSION-AVERSION.

Our idea: Obsessions can be plaguing and oftentimes, dictate the direction and content of our writing. Here are the RGR office we are especially fascinated with the idea that to some degree, all writers are "obsessionists." What we find even more interesting though, is that at times we become obsessed with our aversions. With this in mind, we're asking that texts submitted for our Spring 2010 edition consider this dynamic in some fashion. Whether this means writing about an obsessive aversion, an aversion, obsession, or how the two complement and direct/enhance/or inform one another, that's up to you.

Deadline: February 5th, 2010.

Us: The Rio Grande Review is a non-profit bilingual publication run by students of the MFA in Creative Writing at The University of Texas at El Paso. ALL genres and visual ART forms are considered for publication. Prose: 5000 words, Poetry: 10 pages. We accept works in English and/or Spanish.

To view our complete submissions guidelines, visit our website at

We look forward to reading your submissions!


Rio Grande Review Editors
Sahalie, Miranda & Silvana

University of Texas at El Paso
PMB 671
500 W. University Avenue
El Paso, Texas 79968
(915) 747-7012

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